Date: Mon, 3 Oct 94 04:30:21 PDT From: Ham-Ant Mailing List and Newsgroup Errors-To: Ham-Ant-Errors@UCSD.Edu Reply-To: Ham-Ant@UCSD.Edu Precedence: List Subject: Ham-Ant Digest V94 #329 To: Ham-Ant Ham-Ant Digest Mon, 3 Oct 94 Volume 94 : Issue 329 Today's Topics: Best Antenna Modeling Software?? SHF omni-directional antennae Wanted: 2m antenna for apartment. Send Replies or notes for publication to: Send subscription requests to: Problems you can't solve otherwise to Archives of past issues of the Ham-Ant Digest are available (by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives/ham-ant". We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 3 Oct 1994 04:50:06 GMT From: (Gary T. Schwartz) Subject: Best Antenna Modeling Software?? I am interested in getting some feedback from users of popular antenna modeling software. I am interested in modeling wire antennas and phased arrays on the HF bands. I am NOT interested in modeling Yagis. What are the differences between popular software such as ELNEC and Antenna Optimizer (AO)?? Do both of these packages accurately model antennas over "real ground" as well as free space?? Do both packages accurately model things like elevated radial systems a few feet above ground?? Or how about low horizontal antennas such as a 40 or 80M "cloudwarmer"? How do these two packages differ regarding their ease of use?? What type of modeling software are you using out there?? Are there any others worth looking at?? Finally, does anyone know of any mail-reflectors or Usenet forums that discuss these topics?? Thanks for your help.....73 Gary K9GS ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 3 Oct 1994 08:58:46 GMT From: whiting@Cadence.COM (Neil Whiting) Subject: SHF omni-directional antennae For the higher frequencies (5.7, 10GHz) you can use a slotted waveguide antenna. These are horizontally polarised, omnidirectional and have significant gain (6-9 dB - depends on size). These are often used for beacons on 10GHz. Look at the RSGB Microwave manual for some dimensions. --- | Neil Whiting - G4BRK ------------------------------ Date: 3 Oct 1994 05:04:59 GMT From: (Paulo Teixeira) Subject: Wanted: 2m antenna for apartment. I've used for quite a while a 5/8 mag mount 2 mtr mobile antenna.Since I dont have a balcony,it sat on the window ledge.I'm also in a high location,it worked perfeclty for a couple years,till I found an older Ringo antenna at a hamfest for 5 bucks :-).Its now sitting against my window and coverage is excellent. Hope this helps Cheers Paulo,N3MGA ------------------------------ End of Ham-Ant Digest V94 #329 ******************************